EXCLUSIVE: Hazard: Let Us Out! Lead Dev Gilbert Vera Talks Looking Back to Move Forward

EXCLUSIVE: Hazard: Let Us Out! Lead Dev Gilbert Vera Talks Looking Back to Move Forward

Recently, I got the opportunity to talk with an up-and-coming Indie developer, Gilbert Vera. He is currently working on his debut project, Hazard: Let Us Out!, which is currently set to release later this year for the NES and PC if their plans continue to progress on schedule.

During this interview, we talked about the project Hazard: Let Us Out! and all the different inspirations, development tools, endings, and even future projects that Gilbert may work on in the future if Hazard: Let Us Out! proves to be a success.

Editor’s Note:
Due to this being a written interview, some answers have been edited for brevity and clarity.

A Little Bit About Gilbert Vera and Hazard: Let Us Out!

Before we jump into the interview itself, let’s talk about Gilbert Vera and his project Hazard: Let Us Out!, which at the time of writing is still active on Kickstarter and has over 200 backers who are supporting the project.

For those who are already a part of the Indie Gaming community, you might have already heard of and even met Gilbert as he has attended events such as Really Rad Weekend, Free Play Florida, and Midwest Gaming Classic, where Hazard: Let Us Out! was available to try.

Hazard: Let Us Out! gameplay.
Gilbert Vera is the developer behind Hazard: Let Us Out! Image Credit: Gilbert Vera

But for those who don’t know Gilbert, they are an Indie developer from New Port Richey, Florida, who has been working on this project since the 2019 NESMaker Bytoff game jam and is a fan of all kinds of vintage technology with a large collection of vintage technology.

If you are a fan of classic 8-bit games, then Hazard: Let Us Out! is perfect for you as it features a classical 8-bit style with some more modern features that weren’t very common back when 8-bit games were all the rage.

Some of the features that are present within Hazard: Let Us Out! are features like choices that matter, multiple endings, numerous weapons to upgrade, and so much more that Gilbert has been working on for these past 5 years, and something that should have all gamers, not just indie gamers, excited.

Looking Back to Move Forward with Hazard: Let Us Out!

To start, can you tell us a little bit about Hazard: Let Us Out! For example, what inspired you to create Hazard: Let Us Out!

The game is actually based on a story I wrote as a kid when I was 13 – 15 years old. I did change the original story to work for the NES, but essentially it is the same story I wrote as a kid. When I got the NESMaker software I was going through my saved stories, Hazard: Let Us Out! was the one that I felt would work best for the NES. When I was a kid, I was inspired to write the story after my mom was called into work on her day off to help with a situation at work. 

How long have you been working on the project?

Hazard has been an off-and-on project for 5 years.

Hazard: Let Us Out! gameplay.
Hazard: Let Us Out! is an 8-bit story made for the NES and PC. Image Credit: Gilbert Vera

How did you manage to create Hazard: Let Us Out!?

Hazard: Let Us Out! wouldn’t exist without the NESMaker software and the friends I met while making this game to back me up; they helped a lot with the game: 

  • FJ & Clarion for the amazing pixel artwork. 
  • Raftronaut for the awesome music & sound FX. 
  • Dale Coop for his amazing 6502 assembly code which made this game come to life. 
  • Artix for his help and guidance. I started Hazard: Let Us Out! at the same time he began working on Dungeons & DoomKnights. We helped push each other to the limits to make the best version of these games. 

What led you to want to release the game on the NES, along with platforms like Switch, PC, Mobile, and Tablets?

As a kid, I always wanted to make a game for Nintendo and that was during the NES era. With the NESMaker software, the game can be put on actual NES cartridges. However, I am aware people may not have a NES console anymore.

So I am releasing the digital rom so that it can be used on your phone and tablets. Most emulators will work with the game rom so you can enjoy it anywhere. In regards to the Switch, nothing is in the works yet, but it is a possibility in the future. Right now, I am focused on the physical NES cartridge release. 

What encouraged you to work on an 8-bit-styled game?

I grew up in the 8-bit era and I have fond memories of playing on that old NES. I remember as a kid, I wanted to make a game for that console. Then one day I saw the Kickstarter for NESMaker software. That is what led me to realize I could make a dream come true.  Once I got my hands on the software and started the tutorials, I went through my catalog of stories and chose Hazard: Let Us Out!

Are there any specific influences that helped would your product?

My favorite games for the NES were all platformers, they inspired me for the platformer elements. The story-telling elements come from adventure books where you assume the role of the protagonist and you can make choices that determine the ending and adventure they take.

Hazard: Let Us Out! gameplay.
Hazard: Let Us Out! has over 200 screens for the player to explore. Image Credit: Gilbert Vera

What are the defining aspects of the game from your point of view?

To me the defining aspects are the story-telling elements. The choices you make in the game dictate the ending and have impact to show the player that the choices you make matter. I don’t remember any NES game doing that.

You have mentioned that there are multiple endings to the game, what was it like coming up with those different endings?

I had my original ending to the story, but I wanted to explore different outcomes. So I looked for ways that choosing different options would affect the outcome. 

Did handcuffing yourself to older era styles and hardware make including multiple endings difficult, from a development point of view?

It made me think creatively of how I would setup the different endings.

Is there one specific ending that you find canon, or is there multiple?

Yes there is one canon ending I have in my mind that makes the most sense to me. It was the original ending to the story I wrote. However, some users may find the other endings to be more valid. Keep in mind Hazard: Let Us Out! has 4 different endings. I don’t want to spoil any of the endings. 

Are there any moments in the game, avoiding spoilers of course, that you found difficult to create or led to a form of writer’s block?

Of course, with the story being written originally as a short story I had to convert the story to work as an NES game. Most people do not realize how limiting it is to write up the dialog for the game due to size limitations. Then testing the game to make sure it not only made sense but was still faithful to what I wrote so long ago.

Hazard: Let Us Out! gameplay and weapon design.
Hazard: Let Us Out! currently has over 200 backers on Kickstarter. Image Credit: Gilbert Vera

What’s one unique part of the game you believe you bring to the table that you’ve not seen done anywhere before?

For the NES I would say it’s the choice options and how it affects the story and gameplay. I have never seen this on other NES games that gives options like how Hazard: Let Us Out! does it.

At the moment Hazard: Let Us Out! Is still awaiting to be released, but are you thinking about creating any sequels after the game releases?

I am yes, but not until Hazard: Let Us Out! is all done. I am looking to make a 16-bit style sequel to Hazard: Let Us Out!, and hopefully it will be released faster than the 5 years it took to finish Hazard: Let Us Out!

At the moment Hazard: Let Us Out! Is active on Kickstarter with over $10,000 Worth of support, how does that make you feel?

I felt happy and lucky that I was able to get that much support. I am ecstatic that Hazard: Let Us Out! was able to gather close to $15,000 of support. Thank you my amazing backers for backing up my first project.

Are you looking to offer any form of unique giveaways due to hitting this target or any future targets?

Somewhat, I had stretch goals during the Kickstarter campaign ranging between the soundtrack to the game, wallpapers, perhaps even a hidden level only the backers would know. 

What are you hoping players will take away from this title?

I hope they get to enjoy the different endings. The game has replay value with the different endings. The choices affect the dialog and how easy or hard the game can be especially with one-man mode. I also hope that it inspires others to try and make their own game.

Hazard: Let Us Out! gameplay.
Hazard: Let Us Out! is Gilbert Vera’s first project and hopefully not their last. Image Credit: Gilbert Vera

This may be a few years in the future, but after you complete the project in its entirety do you have any plans after it?

My wife would like me to create other games for kids. Maybe something simple to create, but fun.

With the state of the industry right now, would you ever consider doing game dev full-time?

I have a full-time job already, and unless a game goes viral I wouldn’t consider making this full-time. I enjoy this as my hobby and still plan on making more games for years to come.

If you would like to support Gilbert Vera and his project Hazard: Let Us Out! Please click here to visit his Kickstarter campaign!

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